Feedback (LibDems)

Online feedback I provided to the UK Liberal Democrat party after being asked why I’ve not renewed my membership:

“During the General Election and Brexit campaigns the party failed to detail the compromises you found necessary to remain a partner in government with the Tories. When presented with in-your-face opportunities to spell out the goals junked by the LibDems to allow moderation of socially egregious Tory policies, every one of your representatives rolled over and failed to spell it out for the benefit of the casual voter. The public in general are sheep, have binary choices - Labour or Tories - their impression is the LibDems are Tory-lite; you’ll have a long, long time in the wilderness being nice to the nasty party.”


I’m old enough to remember the day sweaters (jumpers if you like) were designed to keep one warm, and not a paper-thin, size-too-large fashion statement.


Tonight we visited the local cricket club’s annual bonfire and firework display for the funfair rides, hook-a-duck attractions and food stalls. Always a grand occasion.

I spent time during the firework display casually pointing out to the girls the importance of standing back from fireworks, all the rest, and literally pointing out the respect the technicians had for the explodey-things. We might get some fireworks tomorrow, but no bangs.

Afterwards we returned home and settled down to comfort Ruby dog after all the bangs in her neighbourhood, and I settled down to some Hallow’een-pumpkin soup, the best soup I’d made in my life. Really, we’d tried it earlier and it was, mmmm…

I put the heat under the soup, sorted the girls clothes out, put the recycling in bins, then went upstairs to change and pee, leaving the girls to make warm drinks.

A little while later… I sniffed, “Delicious.”

A first: I’d burnt the soup.

Woodford Reserve

Sod it, I’ll add a drink to the food order; the tablets say I can have a drink!

Woodford Reserve rye whiskey.

There is no contraindication so don’t worry, but I doubt the manufacturer would want to encourage irresponsible behaviour. No, in answer to the question I sense forming, the tablets don’t talk to me, that’d be a bit weird.

Home Alone

Most people faced with a day off, and family away during a school holiday week would, I’d guess, go insane and do all kinds of exciting things.

Today I ran out of Earl Grey tea and burnt last night’s pizza instead of gently reheating it in the oven.

The highlight of my day then has been the successful, if well overdue, defrosting of the freezer. During the mammoth session I discovered that the ice above the top serpentine had built to such a thickness and expanded to such a degree that it’d pulled out one of its supporting bracket screws. The left front one! Danger, mild peril! And the thermocouple is a bit floppy now but seems to work; no signs of an impending ice age yet.

Incidentally, IKEA-Whirlpool didn’t make frost-free fridge-freezers when we put the kitchen in.

