04 March 2018
Oops! I forgot to git pull origin master
the updated script from the rssupdatepnut GitHub repo.
Here’s the blog post announcing my tweeted notification of new blog posts: http://bazbt3.10centuries.org/2018/03/04/twigpen.
Daft Baz scratched head for a few minutes thinking the script’d failed for some techy reason. No, simply PEBKAC.
Am I feeling lucky?
04 March 2018
I’m just about to turn off the IFTTT trigger that tweets notification of my blog posts to Twitter. I’ve written a wrapper for Python’s ‘Twython’ module; one that provides auth and, right now, the ability to post a tweet. Fingers crossed, hoping it seamlessly replaces IFTTT.
It’s called TwigPen, a name borrowed from my pnut.io social network app PigPen. It’s used like this from within a Python script:
import TwigPen
…some code to define tweettext…
04 March 2018
I remember the trials and tribulations attempting to drink Maker’s Mark bourbon before I gave it away; I remember well the aroma from the empty glass the following morning. Amazing.
On a whim, as an entirely unsuitable substitute after my failure to find white squishy bread on the day the shops failed (laid waste in a manner reminiscent of the film ‘28 Days Later’, but people will probably remember it as ‘Friday’), I bought a bottle of Jack Daniels Honey.
The aroma is very reminiscent of my memory of Maker’s Mark, half a day later; it’s also a very effective alcopop.
03 March 2018
The girls are really into Harry Potter right now, were really pleased to hear their school will reschedule World Book Day participation. That’s entirely incidental to…
My shouted response to a clattering noise from the bathroom above my comfy chair just now, something probably never said before in any language:
“Take your wand out of the bathroom please!”
I haven’t seen my wife laugh so much for an age now; maybe if I ask if she was imagining if we had boys?
01 March 2018
It snowed again, the gritter failed to make an impact (but I’m not sure one came this way.) The school was shut so World Book Day didn’t happen here, my wife was late from her night shift (waiting for staff to arrive), and the boiler stopped working.
What to do when the condensing boiler repeatedly stops working in the winter, it gurgles like a boiling kettle before the error indication appears, and resetting the thing fails:
It’s likely that the condensate drain pipe is frozen outside the home.
- Find the condensate drain pipe; it’ll project out of the bottom of the boiler case,
- Locate it outside,
- Pour hot water over the pipe outside,
If that doesn’t clear the ice:
- Turn off the boiler at the mains switch,
- Find a bucket or a washing up bowl,
At this point I must stress that you need to be aware if you mess this bit up the very least of your worries will be the size of the repair bill:
- Disconnect the pipe from the bottom of the boiler and collect the spurty water on the wall behind and the floor beneath the boiler, anywhere but the bowl or bucket,
- Leave the vessel there to collect water,
- If you have a hose that you can connect to the drain fitting, fit it and drop the end into the vessel until the outside temperature rises,
- Turn the boiler on again; no gurgling!